
B2B Network Social Business Bill of Rights

Too many B2B network marketers see social media as just another marketing channel, when in reality it is so much more. Social media has surpassed blogging and click-throughs are not the only way to measure engagement; gamification can be used too. This is the third post in a series on how to use social media […]

Cloud Computing vs. SaaS | Mass Cloud Customization

Cloud Computing vs. SaaS Salesforce.com is a successful SaaS company that has taken the idea of mass cloud customization to new heights with their Force.com platform which allows for one-off programming and scalability as needed. The short answer is this… Mass cloud customization computing is more natural, more flexible, and offers more potential for competitive […]

What is Annum? The Answer Might Surprise You!

If you’re wondering “what is annum,” then you’ll be surprised to know what it means. This article explains it and how to use it in a sentence. So, Annum?  Annum is actually a Latin word meaning “year.” So, if you’re looking for a way to add some sophistication to your writing, consider using this term […]

SaaS Metrics: How Viral Growth Trumps SaaS Churn

SaaS Metrics: Everybody wants their startup to be successful. The goal of this post is not to complicate the theories behind viral growth, but instead, simplify it by using math. This article will be the second in a series about SaaS metrics that explores how much impact viral growth has on SaaS companies through a […]

SaaS Sales Compensation Understanding the Importance

SaaS Compensation Models Made Easy to Understand This is not a complex topic. Sales compensation in SaaS companies can be confusing, but it does not have to be. Now, you don’t have to worry about the complex math of lifetime value and how it relates to your sales compensation model. Just replace “price” with MRR […]

Social Sales: The Best 10 Social Sales Leadership Tips

Sales professionals are some of the earliest adopters and most annoying users of social networking. The problem is that they use LinkedIn as a cold calling database, when it should be treated like an opportunity to build relationships with potential clients. The first four posts in this series covered how to make the most of […]

Negative Churn and the Principle of Double Negatives

The principle of double negatives has been used to demonstrate the problem with this term. The expression “negative churn” is redundant and can cause confusion, so we should stop using it for good. There are a lot of great posts by SaaS experts that have adopted the idea of negative churn. This includes David Skok, […]

What does SaaS Mean? | Software-as-a-Service

I’ve been in the industry for a while and have always had a few embarrassing little secrets about what is SaaS mean. I think it’s time to come clean. So, what is SaaS mean? I’ve been in business for over thirty years and I feel like we should be doing more to prepare ourselves. The […]

SaaS TCO : The Inverse of The Total Cost of Service

Software-as-a service has been the new trend in IT for a while now, but not all of it can provide customers with low SaaS TCO. Many companies have to spend more on SaaS than they would if they were using their own software and hardware infrastructure because that’s what is promised by most vendors. We’ll […]

SaaS Product Marketing | Upgrade Upsell Strategy

SaaS product marketing: Upsell upgrade are one of the most important aspects to SaaS marketing. With freemium versions, bargain basement prices for subscriptions, free trials, etc., it’s hard not to emphasize their importance in this industry. The thing is that if you can get a customer at $100mo then quickly upgrade them into someone who […]